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Saturday, December 19, 2009

natural ways to lower blood pressure

natural ways to lower blood pressure

Welcome to ourBlog — your comprehensive natural ways to lower blood pressure resource. Our mission is to give you the facts you need about natural ways to lower blood pressure — fast — so you can get on the road to taking action right away`.

This site provides a ton of information about natural ways to lower blood pressure. In addition, you will find extensive information on leading natural ways to lower blood pressure to help you on your way to success.

Please have a look at our natural ways to lower blood pressure articles, products, resources, and additional information located throughout this blog.

We strive to provide only quality articles, so if there is a specific topic related to natural ways to lower blood pressure that you would like us to cover, please contact us at any time.

And again, thank you to those contributing daily to our natural ways to lower blood pressure website.
  1. 68 natural ways to lower blood pressure
  2. 12 Natural Ways to Lower Blood Pressure
  3. 10 Natural Ways to Lower Blood Pressure
  4. 25 Natural Ways To Lower Blood Pressure By James Scala - Book Preview

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Friday, December 18, 2009

68 natural ways to lower blood pressure

natural ways to lower blood pressure

It's an emerging epidemic in North America: One out of every three people has pre-hypertension, a condition thal leads to high blood pressure. And most of them don't know it.

Don't assume that your blood pressure is normal lust because it used to be. Get it checked often. Once high blood pressure develops, it usually lasts a lifetime. Sure, you can lower it with treatment. But stop treating it, and it goes up again. It's easier and wiser to prevent high blood pressure in the first place.

So fight this key risk for heart attacks, strokes and kidney disease now. Read on to learn about assessing your risk--and about 68 natural options for preventing high blood pressure. And be assured that even the 50 million Americans currently afflicted with high blood pressure can lower their readings by following our prevention plan.

  1. Watch Your Weight: In over weight people, a 10 percent reduction in total body weight will sometimes normalize blood pressure.

  2. Get Physical: Go for a brisk 30-minute walk 6 days a week.

  3. Meditate: A new study shows it works for teens too.

  4. Try Yoga: It reduces stress and strengthens the mind and body.

  5. Butt Out: All forms of tobacco dramatically raise blood pressure.

  6. Shake Off Salt: And sodium-rich foods such as soy sauce and canned soups.

  7. Leave the Bar: 1-2 drinks a day is OK--even stress-relieving--but more can cause health problems.

  8. Check Your Blood: Have cholesterol and triglycerides checked regularly.

  9. Reject Refined Foods: Shun the sally, sugary, pre-made, preserved, fried and fatty.

  10. Swear Off Sodas: Soft drinks can deplete potassium (see No. 20).

  11. Find Fiber: Think veggies and whole grains.

  12. Forgo Fat: Choose white fish and skinless chicken and turkey. Skip cheese, bacon, red meat, gravy and desserts.

  13. Toss the Trans Fats: These are a greater risk than even saturated fats.

  14. Howl for Whole Oats: Eaten daily, oats lower hypertension.

  15. Try L-Carnitine: Another amino acid, also found in protein.

  16. DASH Your Diet: DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) is high in fruits, vegetables and low-fat dairy, and it's low in fat.

  17. Defeat Diabetes: Diabetics who control their condition reduce hypertension risk.

  18. Compute Your Body Mass Index: Multiply your weight in pounds by 703; then divide by your height in inches; then again divide by your height in inches. Try to stay between 18.5 and 24.9.

  19. Mull Over a Multi: A daily multivitamin ensures that you're getting the basics.

  20. Prefer Potassium: This crucial mineral is found in many fruits, vegetables, dairy foods, fish and supplements.

  21. Make It Magnesium: It's in leafy greens, legumes, whole grains and supplements.

  22. Value Vitamin C: The less vitamin C in the blood, the higher the blood pressure in hypertensive patients.

  23. Boost Bioflavonoids: Available in fruits, vegetables and supplements, bioflavonoids enhance vitamin C's effect.

  24. Embrace Vitamin E: Evidence suggests that vitamin E also magnifies vitamin C's blood pressure-lowering effect.

  25. Get Milk: Hypertensive patients seldom drink enough milk--and they are usually low on calcium. Broccoli, spinach, tofu, goat milk and calcium supplements are alternatives.

  26. Pick Pycnogenol: French maritime pine bark extract lowered blood pressure in a Chinese study, which was reported in the January 2, 2004 issue of Life Sciences.

  27. Fish for Omega-3s: Stress essential fatty acid-containing foods or supplements of fish oil, flaxseed oil and primrose oil.

  28. Queue Up for Coenzyme Q10: Hypertensive patients are often deficient in ubiquinone. Aside from supplements, organ meats are the richest sources.

  29. Seize the Soy: Studies suggest that the isoflavones in soy, tofu, tempeh and miso make arterial walls more elastic.

  30. Think Zinc: Zinc may reverse hypertension that has been caused by too much cadmium.

  31. Have Some Hawthorn: An enzyme that can cause arteries to constrict is blocked by this berry.

  32. Look for Linden: This blossom is often combined with hawthorn for blood pressure.

  33. Target Taurine: This amino acid--available in protein and as a supplement--balances sodium and potassium in the blood, lowering blood pressure.

  34. Crave Carrot Juice: Studies show it cleans arteries.

  35. Cook with Cayenne: The capsicum in cayenne slows arteriosclerosis, which can cause hypertension.

  36. Don't Pass on Parsley: It's a natural diuretic, which cuts blood pressure.

  37. Go for Ginger: Ginger offers hypertensive benefits to some.

  38. Seal the Deal: Goldenseal root may reduce blood pressure, especially when taken in conjunction with ginger.

  39. Defy Dracula: Evidence shows that garlic lowers hypertension 2-7 percent. Onions help too.

  40. Single Out Psyllium: Take this soluble fiber with plenty of water. Other sources of fiber include peas, beans, apples, pears and citrus fruit.

  41. Consider Black Cohosh: Commonly used to alleviate the symptoms of menopause, this herb may also help with hypertension.

  42. Cultivate Celery Seeds: They also contain calcium, which might add to their effect.

  43. Dig Dandelions: Available in tinctures, tea, capsules and edible fresh leaves or roots.

  44. Yell for Yarrow: Herbalists also call it milfoil.

  45. Mind Your Melatonin: This hormone decreases nighttime blood pressure, concluded a study published in the January 2004 issue of Hypertension.

  46. Stork Up on Perinatal EFAs: The fatty acids DHA, EPA and ALA--taken by pregnant women 5 months before and 1 month after giving birth--help prevent hypertension in adulthood.

  47. Bring on Biofeedback: Using a special biofeedback machine, individuals learn to control their own physiological responses--including blood pressure.

  48. Omit Oral Contraceptives: Birth control pills can increase blood pressure.

  49. Don't Knock Noni: This Polynesian fruit is also known as morinda citrifolia and Indian mulberry.

  50. Spice It Up: Try basil, black pepper, cinnamon, chili powder, cloves, curry, dillweed, dillseed, fennel, horseradish, marjoram, nutmeg, oregano, rosemary, sage, tarragon and thyme. Their antioxidants may help--some directly lower blood pressure, and all substitute for salt.

  51. Grasp Grape Seed Extract: Research at the University of Alabama suggests grape seed extract can lower blood pressure significantly.

  52. Fall in Love with Lutein: Eat your spinach--or your kale or collards or mustard greens--or lake lutein supplements.

  53. Don't Give Up on Ginkgo Biloba: It relaxes arterial walls, easing pressure.

  54. Remember These Three Bs: Alter angioplasty surgery, three different B vitamins--folate, [B.sub.6] and [B.sub.12]--cut in half the risk that arteries will re-close.

  55. Air Out Antioxidants: Zeaxanthin, beta-cryptoxanthin and alpha-carotene may help.

  56. Go Mad About Saffron: This herb contains a blood pressure-lowering chemical called crocetin.

  57. Reach for Reishi Mushroom Extract: Taking 55 mg of concentrated reishi mushroom extract three times a clay was found to reduce moderately high blood pressure after 1 month.

  58. 'Tai' One On: Tat chi proponents say their rituals lower blood pressure.

  59. Call Your Motherwort: This herb is also known as Leonurus cardiaca.

  60. Highlight Herbs: Chamomile flowers, fennel seed and rosemary may cut hypertension risk.

  61. Go Cuckoo for Coleus Forskohlii: This mint-family herb lowers blood pressure naturally.

  62. Buy into Bilberry: This European blueberry contains anthocyanosides, which are powerful flavonoids.

  63. Let in the Cat's Claw: Contains the alkaloid rhynchophylline, which has anti-hypertensive effects.

  64. Keep Kelp: A 1997 study suggested kelp may help.

  65. Go to Gotu Kola: For insomnia and lowering blood pressure.

  66. Indulge in Aromatherapy: Aromatic bath or massage oils temporarily lower hypertension. Try 5 drops each of lemon balm and lavender essential oils in warm bath water.

  67. Jilt the Java: Too much daily coffee-and even tea-can raise blood pressure.

  68. Now, Go to Bed: High blood pressure patients deprived of sleep experience significant increases in blood pressure, especially during the evening.

What Causes It?

A buildup of cholesterol causes arteries to become hardened,. inelastic and narrowed. There may even be a higher-than-normal flow of blood, or the heart may beat harder or faster than it should. Any of these conditions increases the pressure of the blood against the artery walls.

How Is It Measured?

Your blood pressure is highest when the heart contracts, pumping the blood. This is called systolic pressure; it's the top number in your blood pressure reading.

When your heart is at rest--between beats--your blood pressure falls. This is the diastolic pressure; it's the bottom number in your blood pressure reading.

A device called a Sphygmomanometer records pressure changes in millimeters of mercury or mm/Hg.

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25 Natural Ways To Lower Blood Pressure By James Scala - Book Preview

natural ways to lower blood pressure


Book: 25 Natural Ways To Lower Blood Pressure: A Mind-body Approach To Health And Well-being( Series - 25 Natural Ways series )

Lower blood pressure--without drugs

Your high blood pressure can lead to stroke, heart attacks, congestive heart failure, and kidney failure. Using a simple, easy-to-read format, Dr. James Scala presents 25 simple, natural ways you can use to fight this silent killer. "25 Natural Ways to Lower Blood Pressure" explains the different treatments, including herbs, diet, exercise, and visualization and relaxation techniques, and offers other resources for further information.

About the Author:

James Scala, Ph.D., is a certified nutrition specialist who supervised nutrition programs for the Voyager crew and the U.S. Olympic Ski Team.

Details of Book

Paperback: 160 pages
Publisher: McGraw-Hill; 1 edition (August 30, 2001)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0658007025
ISBN-13: 978-0658007026
Product Dimensions: 8.8 x 5.9 x 0.6 inches
Weight: 9.9 ounces

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Thursday, December 17, 2009

12 Natural Ways to Lower Blood Pressure

natural ways to lower blood pressure

Written by Chris Miller and Medically Reviewed by Scott Pearlman, M.D.

You can control high blood pressure naturally, from exercise, to supplements, to watching what you eat. Browse our slideshow and talk to your doctor about which therapies might be a good complement to your current treatment plan.

  1. High Fiber Diet

    High fiber which includes a variety of fresh vegetables, fruits and whole grains help reduce your blood pressure.

  2. Omega 3 Fatty Acids

    Omega 3 essential fatty acid is a great supplement to lower blood pressure naturally. The most common source of Omega 3 fatty acids are in cold water oily fish such as salmon, herring, mackerel, anchovies and sardines.

  3. Oatmeal

    Eaten daily, oatmeal has been shown to help to lower blood pressure.

  4. Weight Loss

    If you are overweight then start losing those extra pounds pronto. A 10 percent reduction in total body weight will sometimes normalize blood pressure.

  5. Exercise

    Did you know that even 15-20 minutes of mild exercise will do the trick? Try walking, aerobics or even cycling. But before you start any exercise program, remember to consult your doctor.

  6. Reduce Salt Intake

    Salt has sodium which is known to increase your blood pressure. Instead opt for substitutes and include garlic, lemon, onions and other herbs which will add to the taste without doing your body any harm.

  7. Meditation

    Meditation and other relaxation techniques such as t'ai chi and yoga can significantly help lower your blood pressure.

  8. Stop Smoking

    Nicotine and other chemicals present in tobacco can cause contraction of blood vessels, which leads to an increase in blood pressure.

  9. Vitamin C

    Studies have shown the less vitamin C in the blood, the higher the blood pressure. So go ahead and eat those oranges!

  10. Limit Alcohol

    In small amounts, it can help prevent heart attacks and coronary artery disease and potentially lower your blood pressure. But that protective effect is lost if you drink too much alcohol, generally more than one drink a day for women and more than two a day for men.

  11. Cayenne

    The capsicum in cayenne slows arteriosclerosis, which can cause high blood pressure.

  12. Reduce Stress
    Stress or anxiety can temporarily increase blood pressure. Once you know what's causing your stress, consider how you can eliminate or reduce stress.

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Wednesday, December 16, 2009

10 Natural Ways to Lower Blood Pressure

Natural Ways to Lower Blood Pressure

According to the American Heart Association, more than 73 million people in the United States over the age of 20 have high blood pressure. This equates to approximately one in three adults. In up to 95 percent of the cases of high blood pressure, the cause is unknown. Yet, high blood pressure is easy to spot by doctors and is usually highly treatable.

The good news is you can lower blood pressure naturally. The following are 10 ways you can drop your blood pressure numbers gradually and safely without using prescription medications.
  1. Through Diet: Dieting is one of the most impressive ways to reduce high blood pressure. Doctors often recommend reducing your total body weight by 10 percent to lower blood pressure to a "normal" level.

  2. Stop Smoking: Smoking, or any type of tobacco, can cause a dramatic rise in your blood pressure, even when you are not smoking.

  3. Garlic: Garlic is one of the most commonly recommended herbs for improving high blood pressure. Add it to your favorite dishes. Take supplements. Garlic is a well-known cardiovascular system healer, helping to improve the function of your heart and the rest of your cardiovascular system.

  4. Saffron: Though expensive, these tiny stems from the crocus plant are, in fact, a good way to reduce high blood pressure. You can add saffron to the dishes you prepare to get the benefits from it. It can also be an addition to tea for a soothing drink with a rich flavor. It is a recommendation that you consume a small amount of saffron on a daily basis to see significant results in your blood pressure.

  5. Lime Blossom: Lime blossom is another tea method for reducing high blood pressure. Infuse the blossom in hot water. It is a belief that a cup a day of this tea will be able to reduce your blood pressure within two weeks.

  6. Hawthorn: A commonly prescribed herb for overall health, hawthorn is also a great solution for high blood pressure. It is said to have been in use for centuries for just this purpose. It can be in use in as a tea or a cold drink, or in supplement form.

  7. Omega 3: This fatty acid is an excellent tool for reducing blood pressure. In some cases, if used regularly, people have been able to reduce their blood pressure so much so that they were able to stop taking prescription medication, with their doctor's permission. Omega 3 is in a variety of foods, especially fish. You can also take supplements.

  8. Eat Whole Grains: Whole oats in particular are said to be very good for heart health. Oats are able to reduce hypertension in many people if consumed regularly.

  9. Drink Wine Moderately: A glass of wine a day is said to offer a number of health benefits, especially for the heart. Drink a glass after meals each night. Limit alcohol to just wine and keep it in moderation.

  10. Eat a Healthy Diet: Mix up your diet to include a large number of fruits and vegetables and reduce the amount of red meat you eat. Look for low fat dairy. Reduce the amount of fat you consume overall.

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Natural Ways To Lower Your Blood Pressure

Altogether too many of us suffer from high blood pressure and aren’t even aware of it! Because of that it is often referred to as the “silent disease.” Perhaps you haven’t heard the statistics released by the American Heart Association, but it is estimated that as many as one-third of the adult population in the United States has elevated blood pressure. And of those people, as many as one-third of them don’t even know they are suffering from it!

While there are prescription medications that treat the problem, there are also natural ways to help you keep your blood pressure within a healthy range. One, very important factor, is to reduce your daily intake of salt. And don’t think that table salt is the only culprit. Whenever you see an ingredient that says “sodium” no matter what comes before or after, recognize that it is SALT, plain and simple. Reduce your intake of sodium and you pressure should naturally start to come down. The reason salt is so lethal is that it tends to cause fluid retention. This inflammation, or swelling, puts pressure on veins and arteries and they have to work harder to pump blood throughout the body.

Some foods and supplements are also known to be effective in combating high blood pressure. Co-Q 10 is a potent anti-inflammatory which is known to be beneficial. Also, if you are Italian you will love this. Did you know that garlic thins the blood and can help lower your pressure as well? It is recommended that if you supplement with garlic you do so under the care of a physician because it is that potent.

There are other foods and supplements that are also effective in helping to naturally control hypertension. Only a few were mentioned here to tell you that natural help is out there. It is not necessary to rely solely on chemical prescriptions. It is your health and you have a right to be proactive.
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